The Bourne Legacy | Jeremy Renner Interview

2012-07-21 91

Shawn Edwards sits down with two time Academy Award Nominee Jeremy Renner to talk about the pressure in filling in the shoes of Matt Damon who launched the Bourne 'Legacy'.

The Bourne Legacy is exactly that—the legacy— the aftermath—of what’s come before. Bourne’s public exposure at the end of The Bourne Ultimatum sparks a bonfire that threatens to burn down decades of research and development into the building of better spies and warriors. Audiences will discover that there are actually a variety of intelligence programs, that the CIA’s Treadstone was but one of the early developments and that Bourne’s actions are creating a tremendous anxiety that other programs may be exposed.
Aaron Cross (JEREMY RENNER of The Hurt Locker, The Town, The Avengers, Mission: Impossible— Ghost Protocol) is one of six agents in a program called Outcome. Unlike the CIA’s Treadstone, Outcome agents have been developed and trained for use by the Department of Defense. More than assassins, Outcome agents are designed for use in isolated, high-risk, long-term intelligence assignments. The behavioral science that was suggested as the underpinning of the Treadstone agents has been upgraded and advanced, but it’s the shared origins of these two programs that makes Outcome so vulnerable as Bourne’s story becomes public knowledge.Distributed by

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